“The construction of the Iroquois Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) upgrades is anticipated to commence on or about February 15, 2012 and be completed by September 16, 2013,” reads a South Dundas public notice.
At the February 7th South Dundas council meeting, Chief Administrative Officer Stephen McDonald recommended that council accept the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) report and “proceed with the Iroquois sewage collection system rehabilitation work.”
According to OCWA’s report, they “were able to secure a tender price less than the estimated project cost” for the WWTP rehabilitation project. And so, “this project budget analysis would help to allocate additional dollars to the secondary project (sewage collection system rehabilitation.)”
Originally, South Dundas was granted $18 million from Infrastructure Canada (INFC) for the WWTP upgrades. According to a letter from OCWA, “we obtained approval to use any savings from the $18 million to conduct rehabilitation work on the sewage collection system.”
“The plan,” they reported, “is to conduct the sewer rehabilitation work alongside the Iroquois WWTP upgrade so both projects may be completed by the funding deadline of March 31, 2014.”
Council agreed with McDonald’s recommendation with Mayor Steven Byvelds pointing out that the subject “is pretty straight forward.”
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