Seaway celebrates undergrads


“This was an evening of accomplishments, an evening about you, the students,” said Seaway District High School vice principal, Karen Bryant, in her remarks to students, parents and friends gathered to honour the academic achievements of Seaway’s young undergraduate students. “Tonight is about you, but we also need to acknowledge the support of teachers and parents in helping you to reach these goals.”

The ceremony honouring the undergraduates was held the evening of November 9 in the high school gym, and drew a large and appreciative crowd. Students at all levels in the 2010 school year were honoured for their efforts in all subject areas with diplomas and trophies. 

Several Seaway students in grades 9-11 achieved over 80 per cent in all their subjects, while Samantha Venema, Gregory Bolton and Lesley-Ann Tupper  each scored over 90 percent. 

Grade 9 proficiency awards were 1st, Samantha Venema, 2nd, Massar Hamadi, 3rd, Shannon van Moorsel. Grade 10 proficiency awards were 1st, Lesley-Ann Tupper, 2nd, Gregory Bolton and 3rd, Olivia Currier. Grade 11 proficiency awards were 1st, Devin Fraser, 2nd, Beverley Fowler and 3rd, Stephen Tibben.

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