Ross VIdeo Trivia champs


With a final score of 94 points, Team Ross Video took home the cup in the Seaway District High School Trivia contest held at the Iroquois Legion on Thursday, November 10. Organized by teachers Jeff Crooke, Melissa Ringler and Heather Thompson, the fun-filled event, featuring eight member teams, raised nearly $1,400 for Champions for Kids, an Upper Canada District School Board initiative that provides funds for deserving children in the board area for a variety of things from eye glasses to gas cards to sports fees. “Many kids in the Seaway family of schools have been helped in the past by this charity,” said SDHS principal Terry Gardiner. Coming in second place was Seaway Then and Now with 86 points and Oks and Friends 1 with 80 points. In the back row (l-r) are Ross Video players Merrill MacMillan, Olivier Barrie, Ray Grant, Coleen Holder, Hannah Barkley, Laura Levere, Jimmy Mullins and teacher Crooke. In front are teacher Ringler, Chuck Saddlemire and teacher Crooke.

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