Hartford Paintings receive dedication


American actress Stella Adler once said, “Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one.” 

Hartford Retirment Centre resident, William Halcrow, gifted the centre with two new paintings.

On November 12th, in front of a small group in the Hartford chapel, Reverend Jane Evans performed a dedication for the new additions.

Halcrow told the group that he commissioned local artist Gene Ward to do these paintings because he felt the chapel’s two big windows needed something.

He said the paintings are meant “to fill a void and inspire all who believe.”

“It is my gratitude that I could do this for the Hartford,” Halcrow continued, “and, to give back to the community.”

He admitted, “They turned out more beautiful than I thought.”

Artist Gene Ward thanked Halcrow for “being a patron to the arts.” He then thanked the Hartford for allowing the paintings to be hung in the chapel.

SD&G MP Guy Lauzon, admired the artwork saying, “these are very striking paintings.”

Turning to Halcrow and Ward, he continued, “When I look at these paintings I get a good feeling. Many people will get that feeling because of your efforts. God Bless.”

South Dundas Deputy Mayor Jim Locke said, “it’s great to be here and enjoy the collaboration.” He commended Halcrow for choosing a local artist.

Then, to both men, he said, “congratulations on a project well done.” 

Hartford’s Community Relations Manager, Tracy Jones, concluded the speeches addressing Halcrow and Ward, “thank you both for providing the Hartford with such great paintings.”

The portraits were chosen for their balance between male and female. The angel is “welcoming you into that domain,” said Ward.

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