Marian Smollett

Marian Smollett, in her 83rd year, passed away peacefully at Winchester District Memorial Hospital on November 5, 2011, following a brief struggle with cancer.

Marian (nee O’Meara) was the beloved wife of Ray Smollett and loving mother of Gail Flinn (David), Gwen McGill (Rod), Joyce Bartholomew (Wayne) all of Iroquois, Brenda Millward (Ian) of Morrisburg and Helen Hawley (Doug) of Kingston.

She was the cherished grandma of Melissa Flinn, Sarah, Kristy and Nicholas McGill (Lesley), Kelly Redden (Sean), Josh Bartholomew, Ty and Reagan Hawley and dear great-grandmother of Shayna, Sawyer, Madeline, Katherine, Quinton and Gavin. She was dear sister of Joan Williams of Calgary.

Marian will be missed by her nieces and nephews and by her good friends Marlene, Judy, Mary and Timmy.

Family was very important to Marian. She truly enjoyed the time she spent with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

A longtime member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Marian was a dedicated Sunday school teacher for many years. She belonged to the Presbyterian Women’s Group and participated in many enjoyable activities. 

She was a volunteer canvasser for various charities for many years.

From a young age, Marian had a special love for animals. She also enjoyed watching and feeding the birds.

Friends visited the family at the Marsden and McLaughlin Funeral Home on November 7.

The funeral service took place at Knox Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, November 8, at 11 a.m. In honour of her Scottish heritage Marian was piped in and out of the church.

Pallbearers were her grandchildren, Sarah, Kristy, Nicholas, Josh, Melissa and Ty. Internment was at Knox Cemetery, followed by a luncheon in the Church Hall.

Memorial donations were made to the SPCA and Knox Church.

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