Talk of settlement growth in South Dundas


South Dundas has handed in their homework to the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.

At the November 1st council meeting, Manager of Planning and Enforcement for South Dundas, Don Lewis, presented the final report documenting agreed-upon amendments to the settlement boundaries for all of South Dundas.

He informed council that “last Thursday (October 27) the Counties and I went to each of those sites” in question from the October 25 special meeting. They included “the area north of Iroquois, Elma, Stampville, and Mariatown.”

Councillor Archie Mellan inquired as to the status of the land south of Hainesville.

Lewis replied that it is “prime agricultural land and (there’s) absolutely no way” to include it. He continued, “we weren’t successful in quite a few areas.”

Mellan pointed out that South Dundas has a “low county average” and, in terms of growth, it’s “lagging.”

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