Morrisburg Curlers host Russell


We had another bonspiel in Morrisburg last week.  Coordinator Ron Beaupre organized a visit by the Russell daytime mixed curlers, and they will be hosting 12 of us in December. These friendly matches are one-game affairs, with lunch afterwards. They are always very friendly, and the senior men and daytime ladies organize them for their leagues as well. It’s a chance to visit other clubs, compete with other curlers and renew old friendships or make new ones.

Our first team was Sue McIntosh, Alice Thompson, Paul Dobry and Andy Patenaude. They played a Russell team skipped by Leo Beckers, and were tied coming home in the seventh end, but Leo eked out a point to win the match, the only victory for Russell on the day.

Our second representatives were Len Bellamy, Cheryl Thompson, Bud Perry and Fred (Boomer) Langlotz. They won their game, as did our final foursome, Dave King, Jack Barkley, Doug Jarvis and Sharon Van Allen. It was great to see many of our friends again, including people like Jimmy Sullivan and Doreen Taylor.

After the matches, the teams repaired to the dining room for refreshments, and a delicious meal prepared, served, and cleaned up after by our Thursday morning hosts. Special thanks to Jeannine and Ron Beaupre, who organized the feast, and to the ladies who brought in the food. The words of appreciation from the guests, and our rebuttals, as well as an exchange of stories, sent all away happy. Can’t wait until the return visit to Russell, with their new four-sheet rink. 

Apologies to Keith Robinson and Fred Langlotz who did, indeed, win the ‘B’ final bonspiel last Sunday, defeating Wally and Joanne Baker in a thrilling final. 

Several events are upcoming at the club. The ladies’ invitational bonspiel will be here Dec. 6, Ian McGillis has an OCA event here Dec. 16 and 17, and we already have one rental of the club over the Christmas break. It’s not too early to book your family or business party for the holiday season, or for other occasions. President Mahlon Locke is the person to call.

The ice looks good, well-maintained as usual by our technician, Wally Baker, and enhanced by the signs on the walls and the ice surface, courtesy of our fine community sponsors.

The information concerning out-of-club bonspiels has been posted downstairs, and a number of people have entered teams in several of them. We’ll report on results as they come in to us. For those interested, the league statistics are also displayed in the lower hall.

Curlers might also consider entering Ottawa Valley Curling Association events, from bantams to juniors, men’s and women’s, as well as seniors. The list is available in the lounge, and those interested should contact our president. There is an application form to be completed, and an entry fee to be paid. 

The format would be zone competitions, followed by regional, and then Provincial finals. Teams from here have done well in the past, and we hope many will enter the Zone playdowns this year. 

The juniors play in Winchester Nov. 20-22, while the seniors play in Cornwall Nov. 28-29, for example. For all, there are separate male and female events. You might even consider playdowns leading to the Tournament of Hearts and the Brier. They all start with zone play. 

Good curling!


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