SMSC celebrates Sports Day in Canada

Students at St. Mary/St. Cecilia’s school out to enjoy Friday’s sunshine as they celebrated National Jersey Day on September 16 and Sports Day in Canada which fell on Saturday, September 17.

To mark the two ‘Days’ the grade 8 students organized an afternoon crammed with activities which include Tug O Wars, a Flag Game, Soccer Race, Alien Tag, and Obstacle Course, a Bean Bag Toss and a rest station where the weary athletes took a break to enjoy the taste of one of this fall’s MacIntosh apples.

“National Sports Day is a celebration of all the sports we play,” said teacher Chris Veltkamp who worked with the students to set up the events. “I thought it would be fun for the kids. It is just the second week back to school and it is good to get outdoors and have some fun.”

The key to the afternoon activities was ‘fun’. There were no prizes, no winners.

Also participating was the teaching staff, which this time out, defeated the Grade 8’s two out of three times, despite some of the Grade 8 students predicting “it would be over in short order and we will win.”

The closest to a win the kids came was in the third round, when the teachers produced an ‘upset’…an upset of the grade 8s that is when they unexpectedly released the tug o war rope.

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