Peewee C House Lions get new sweaters


Saturday, October 29, the South Dundas Peewee C House Lions suited up in a brand new set of sweaters thanks to the generosity of Michel Proulx/Canadian Tire Store in Morrisburg. The House Lions and South Dundas Minor Hockey Association were absolutely delighted to receive the donation which includes both home and away sweaters. Keeping the teams looking sharp is a yearly effort for the local minor hockey association which tries to replace at least a couple of sweater sets per year.  They often count on the generosity of the community. Pictured with the team, (kneeling centre row) is Canadian Tire representative, Joanne Minish. Front is goaltender Austin Robinson. Kneeling, l-r, are MacKenzie Nelson, Megan McKay, Anna Cassell, Jackson Weegar, Joanne Minish, Nathan Cameron and Brody Smail. Back, l-r are Matthew Helmer, Sheridan Caines, Brooke Lapier, Grace Brooks, Julenea Barnhartd, Trinity Hanes, Shayna VanBeilen and Emma Barkley. The Peewee C House Lions coaching staff includes, coach Shawn Lapier, Derek VanBeilen, Tim Cassell and Barry Barkley.


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