Jean (Betty) Elizabeth Wild

Jean (Betty) Elizabeth Wild was born January 6, 1921, and passed away on August 16, 2017.

We are the leaves of summers past, our time has come and gone…

This one time Haligonian beauty, mercifully surrendered her final breath, as her soul set sail on the Sea of Eternity.

At 96, having outlived her three siblings, she leaves behind her life long love, Reg, who, united for 72 years, may not long endure this parting. Her children: Carol, Dave, John and Kip, eight grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.

As a nurse, and in full bloom during the war years, she surely was an inspiration and motivation to those wounded and weary from the horrors of war. Upon the close of war, Reg, due to be shipped home, decided he “better get on with it”, and proposed to his childhood sweetheart…

…Reg held Bet in his arms
Upon a foreign shore
She brought him love and
To last forever more.

She was everywoman; daughter to 1909 Halifax rowing hero, John O’Neil and Helen Moody Moir. Betty, as a teen, signaled summer’s approach each May 24th with a graceful dive and swim in the frigid waters of Halifax’s north west arm. A loving wife, a stay at home Mom, a grand gardener, and, compassionate community volunteer.

Her courage of faith imbued her life, sustaining her through a debilitating bout of Polio and, against doctors’ advice, a life threatening pregnancy, resolute to accept whatever fate her God decreed. And patience with raising four preschoolers at once, and laughing at Reg’s umpteenth telling of his humorous tales.

She was modest and reserved in a most charming way, slightly self critical and a bit self conscious, but ruled by a warm and tender heart.

We are the leaves of summers past, our time has come and gone…

A special thanks to the caring staff of The Perleys Senior Village.

Instead of flowers or donations, give a Mom, any Mom, a big long hug today.

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