Contract signed for Hallville park

WINCHESTER – North Dundas council has approved the first two phases of the new community park in Hallville. The council awarded the $1.84 million contract to Cornwall Gravel at the September 5 meeting.

The project received $2 million in funding from upper levels of government over three years ago. The federal and provincial governments are picking up the tab for 73 per cent of the project.

The first two phases of Hallville Community Park will include an outdoor rink and multi-use court, new playgrounds, a basketball half-key, and a pavilion. There will also be a washroom building, lighted parking lots and connecting pathways.

The initial funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program included three phases of the park. The third phase will feature a baseball diamond and a soccer pitch. Council only awarded the first two phases due to the higher cost estimates received after the May 2021 funding announcements.

Additional funding through an Ontario Trillium Fund grant has been awarded to be put towards a splash pad for the park, which will be included in any third phase work.

As part of the pathway design and construction, underground conduit will be laid to allow for future pathway lighting to be installed as well.

Cornwall Gravel’s bid was the lowest of five bids received ranging from $1.84 million to $2.9 million. Council did not reveal the other four project bidders.

“[This is] such good news. We’ve been waiting for this for a very long time,” said North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser before calling for the vote.

Councillor Matthew Urhig agreed.

“This is fabulous news and what many people have been waiting for,” he said.

The majority of the park is scheduled to completed around the middle of July next year, with the project wrapping up in mid-August.

Once the first two phases are complete, there will be about $247k remaining to start work on Phase Three. Under the ICIP funding agreement, North Dundas’ initial contribution is 26.67 per cent of the total project, or $727.7k. Any costs over and above the $2.73 million from the three levels government will be paid by for by the Township of North Dundas.

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