Pictured above: Sandy Scott and Dwayne Sawyer, along with their service dogs Mandy and Nala – from the CVSDU, receive the donation from Link Crew representative Maria Tibben, and the rest of the Link Crew class.Above: Dwayne Sawyer talks about what the organization does for veterans, while Nala makes new friends in the class.
IROQUOIS – Seaway District High School’s Link Crew raised over $1,300 through its Halloween painted pumpkin fundraiser in October, which was in support of the Canadian Veterans Service Dog Unit.
The CVSDU is a non-profit organization which provides service dogs for Canadian military veterans.
Link Crew supervising teacher Carrie Gilmour acknowledged the support of Townline Road Pumpkin Patch near Kemptville for donating the pumpkins that students painted for the fundraiser.
Above: Nala and Mandy mingle with some of the students. (The Leader/Blancher photos)
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