Another energy storage project proposed by EDP Renewables

SOUTH DUNDAS – The proposed Creekside Battery Energy storage project reported in last week’s Leader is not the only Battery Energy Storage project being proposed for the Brinston area.

The Independent Electricity System Operator which manages Ontario’s electricity supply issued a Request for Proposal for battery energy storage projects as part of its long term plan to increase capacity on the province’s electrical grid.

Not only is Potentia Renewables, the proponent of the Creekside Battery Energy project, proposing a project for the Brinston area, so too is EDP Renewables.

Both EDP and Potentia officials attended Monday night’s council meeting to discuss their separate proposed projects with this community’s elected officials.

EDP’s South Branch Storage opportunity being explored is a five to 20 acre battery storage site of up to 200 mW in South Dundas located on a 170-acre agricultural land parcel near Branch Road and Byker Road, west of Brinston.

The Potentia project is a 15 acre 230 mW project located between Gilmour Road and Kirker Road just west of Brinston.

Both project proponents asked council to approve municipal support for their respective projects. Stephanie Moran, South Dundas’ planner said that she would return to council after these two projects’ community public open house meetings, and bring recommendations regarding project support.Council has the option to support either, both, or neither, project and said they would like to hear the public feedback before making that decision.

The Potentia project open house is planned for November 8 at the South Dundas Municipal Centre in Morrisburg.

The EDP project open house is tentatively being planned for later this month.

Bid submissions are due in December 2023. Successful projects will be notified in May 2024. If either or both of the bids are successful construction should take place Summer 2025. Both projects, if successful plan to support a community benefit fund.

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