Beavers Dental building sold

MORRISBURG – The former Beavers Dental building has been sold. The dental burr manufacturing plant was shuttered in early 2023.

South Dundas economic development officer Rob Hunter confirmed that the building is under a sales contract – but the deal has not closed. Hunter said he could not disclose who the buyer or potential buyer of the building is at this time.

Sources told The Leader that the building’s purchase closed September 23.

Contractors were observed September 25 and 26 performing ground-based work and repairs to the building.

Envista/KavoKerr Dental, which owned Beavers Dental, announced January 25, 2022 that it was closing the facility and moving production to Mexico. Approximately 180 full time jobs were eliminated with the closure.

The 61,000 square foot building had been listed for sale since July 2022 with commercial brokerage CBRE Canada. The facility was originally constructed in 1957 with the St. Lawrence Seaway move, and expanded several times. Sitting on a 4.15 acre parcel of land, the property is zoned M2-Industrial and was listed for $3.2 million.

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