Road work leads to sinkhole discovery

A sinkhole approximately the size of two refrigerators was discovered when SDG Counties transportation crews were replacing a large culvert on County Road 2 east of Iroquois late August. (Supplied/SDG Counties photo)

IROQUOIS – An unplanned repair to a major culvert on County Road 2 near Iroquois, led to the discovery of a potentially dangerous issue – a sinkhole.

SDG Counties crews replaced a culvert near the Two Creeks Forest conservation area, just east of the intersection of Lakeshore Drive and CR2 August 28-30. That project was unplanned for in the Counties’ 2023 roads budget, but was initiated after a visual inspection by staff noted settling in the road shoulder.

“Further inspection of the pipe confirmed that it was perforated,” said SDG Counties Transportation Director Ben deHaan.

Sand, which was used to backfill the culvert when it had last been replaced, was being washed out through the holes.

“Sand is great as a backfill, but its downside is that it washes away very easily,” he explained.

While work was underway on replacing the culvert, a two cubic metre void or sinkhole was discovered. deHaan said that it was about the size of two cubic metres.

“Staff made a good call to replace the pipe as soon as possibile,” deHaan said. “Not quite an emergency, but certainly not something we had planned at the start of the year.”

Initial work was completed sooner than the Counties had anticipated, however the section of road is still gravel.

“When we have a planned culvert replacement, we usually have the asphalt lined up shortly after,” said deHaan. “Because this took us a little by surprise, it will take us a little longer to get the surface paved.”

He estimated it would be completed within the next three weeks, but said staff will be monitoring the gravel surface.

“We appreciate the public’s understanding and patience while we get this work finished up.”

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