Final councillor candidate weighs in

MORRISBURG – “I want to be a voice for the people,” said Jeff Welsh, who on August 26 replied to The Leader’s interview request from August 11. Welsh filed nomination papers to seek election as South Dundas councillor August 10th.

“I don’t think people are getting all the knowledge of what’s going on,” said Welsh.

“I’m only one person and I may not make a difference, but I will be the voice of the people,” he added.

“A lot of seniors don’t get the paper and don’t have Facebook. People have no way of knowing what’s going on. The township has to do a better job of letting people know what’s going on,” explained Welsh.

According to Welsh, certain members of staff never return his calls. “They can’t be that busy. They have to have some accountability, especially if it’s them there in that office who are running the show.”

Asked why he chose to run for a councillor seat, he said that was the only position he considered at this point because he is new to this. Having never before served on council, he said: “I’m new. I have to learn the ropes. It makes no sense to start higher up.”

“I’ve got to learn a lot. I don’t know how the council works per se.”

“There has to be some common sense around that table and if I’m there I can voice my opinion.”

Welsh is one of seven candidates vying for the three available South Dundas council seats. The ballot will include Michael Burton, Trevor Riopelle, Tom Smyth, Cole Veinotte, Danielle Ward, Lloyd Wells and Jeff Welsh.

The three candidates seeking election as deputy mayor are Donald Lewis, Marc St. Pierre and Tammy Thom. The mayoral race will be between Jason Broad, Bill Ewing and Kirsten Gardner.

The elected mayor and deputy mayor will also be SDG Counties councillors.

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