Only two remain undefeated this season

Close, but not today – Above – Team Norway goalkeeper Ashton Luimes (left) saves the ball again as Team Brazil striker Theo Blancher fired off another shot at goal. Despite several shot attempts at Norway’s goal, Brazil was handed its first loss of the season. Norway took a 1-0 lead midway through the first half on a goal by Jayden Rowe.

IROQUOIS – Only two teams remain undefeated in the South Dundas Soccer league this summer.

Soccer action began on August 7 with Norway picking up their first win of the season, defeating Brazil 1-0 in the Under-18 division.

Spain continued their undefeated run, beating Portugal 4-1 in the U-5 division. England defeated Canada 3-1.

Uruguay shut out Wales 6-0 in the U-7 division, while Germany handed Iceland their first loss of the season, winning 3-2.

Over in the U-9 league was a pair of shutouts. Belgium defeated USA 4-0, and France extended their undefeated season, winning 3-0 over Argentina.

A late tying goal drew Netherlands even with Scotland 2-2 in the U-11 division. Ireland picked up a 6-1 win over Finland in the other match for that division.

Italy took over sole possession of first place in the U-14 division with their 3-0 shut out over Honduras. Sweden also picked up their third win of the season, doubling South Korea 4-2.

Italy and Sweden are tied with nine points in the division standings, with the tie split by goal differential.

Teams have one more week to lock in their spots for the playoffs as they face off again in the final regular season games on August 14th.

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