Scaled down Dundas County Farm Show competition yields repeat winner

And the show went on – Graham Duke (left) of the Dundas Soil and Crop Improvement Association records the assessments of forage judge Gilles Quenelle (right) during last week’s Dundas Seed and Forage competition at Tibben Farms in Brinston. (The Leader/Comfort photos)
Judging the seed exhibits was Bryan Cook.

MORRISBURG – The tradition of the farm show is important to the community and as such area farming associations are still finding ways to judge 2021 Seed and Forage exhibits in spite of the ongoing pandemic.

Just like any other year, Dundas County’s winning exhibits will be sent on to the Ottawa Valley Farm Show seed and forage competition, for judging at the next level.

Even though the Dundas Seed, Forage and Agricultural show, which usually takes place at Matilda Hall couldn’t take place in its traditional form, about 100 seed and forage exhibits from area farmers were submitted to the competition for judging, which took place last Thursday at Tibben Farms Incorporated in Brinston.

Organizers were pleased with the number of exhibits submitted for judging, which is about the same number they receive annually at the traditional shows.

Lucky enough to have space for the exhibits and judging to take place on his farm this year, organizer Mark Tibben said that they have already booked Matilda Hall for next year’s show.

“We just kept things plain and simple for this year,” said Tibben.

The judging was not open to the public. To keep gathering numbers low, two judges determined the winners, with first and second place being sent on to the Ottawa show for judging there March 13th.

All 4H entries received are being forwarded to Ottawa as well.

The baking competition was not held this year.

All involved with the sample judging were masked and followed all necessary COVID protocols.

Judges were Gilles Quenelle and Bryan Cook assisted by Dundas Soil and Crop Improvement Association members Mark Tibben, Graham and Elaine Duke and Joe Jansen.

For the second consecutive year, the Premier Exhibitor title went to John and Ryan DeVries with 107 points. The 107 point score was an improvement over last year’s winning score of 93. The DeVries also won Reserve Forage Exhibitor.

Winchester Agricultural Research Station was Reserve Premier Exhibitor with 95 points. They were named Premier Seed Exhibitor and had the Champion Soybean and Champion Whitebean Exhibits.

Dave Pemberton was Premier Forage Exhibitor, had the Champion Forage Exhibit and the Champion Dry Hay Exhibit.

Maple Dale Farms – Paul Empey had the Reserve Champion Forage Exhibit and Champion Corn Silage.

Westergreen Farms – John, Martin and Pam Westerveld had the Champion Haylage Exhibit.

Tibben Farm Inc. won for Champion Shelled Corn and First Place Wheat in Field Crop Classes.

Champion Ear Corn was won by Wintergreen Farms – Carl and Marie Sears and Sons.

Hess Hill Farms – Rick Hess won for Champion Cereal Exhibit.

Cedar Lodge Farms – Warren Schneckenburger won Champion Special Shelled Corn Bin Class.

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