Friday Flashback – 1980 Morrisburg Peanut hockey team

The Morrisburg Peanut Hockey Team ended a “good season” in 1980 with a year end party for players and parents. Pictured above in the front row (l-r) Barry Barkley, Sean Duvall, Allan Farlinger, Chris Sloan, Steve Serviss, Paul Casselman, and Jeremy Smith. Back row: Colin Charot, Scott Saddlemire, Howard Smith, Eric Millward, Timmy Casselman, Adam Froats, and Jeremy Morrow. Absent from the photo were Robert Farlinger, Mike Morin, Mike Francis, Billy Dillabough, and Kris Scott.

Note – Spelling of Steve Serviss was update from Service as it was printed in 1980.

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