Five more cases of COVID-19 in region

EASTERN ONTARIO – The Eastern Ontario Health Unit announced five additional cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in the region.

The five cases are residents of Prescott-Russell. That region has seen increased testing in the past week, after a separate testing centre was opened in Hawkesbury last Monday. Four of the individuals are self-isolating at home, one is presently in the Cornwall Community Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit.

“We know that there is community spread of COVID-19 elsewhere in Ontario and Canada, and we
believe that our area is no exception,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, EOHU Medical Officer of Health.

Officials continue to urge residents to practice physical distancing, avoid groups, and to not go out except for necessity trips like groceries.

There are now nine confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the EOHU area, but more are expected. As of March 27th, there were over 350 test results pending in the region. Across Ontario there are 1,117 people who have contracted COVID-19, 19 people have died from the virus.

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