South Dundas taxes increasing about five percent

MORRISBURG – South Dundas council wrapped up budget deliberations January 10th settling on what will amount to about a five per cent tax increase for an average residential assessment.

During Friday’s deliberations the biggest cuts made by council to achieve this five per cent increase were reducing the amount of money set aside for bridge repairs to $100,000, reducing the fleet contribution to account for vehicle and equipment purchases that council deemed unnecessary, and reducing the winter control reserve contribution.

The $7.3 million 2020 budget, which is just about six per cent higher than last year, includes $255,000 worth of assessment growth.

The average residential assessment in South Dundas is valued at $206,000.

The impact of the 4.99 per cent increase for that average residential assessment will amount to a $51.27 increase to the South Dundas portion of the property tax bill.

The numbers are not finalized until the budget bylaw is approved by council. That approval is expected at the February 3rd regular council meeting.

“What we’re asking is a lot,” said South Dundas mayor Steven Byvelds. “But, if we spend it properly, I think people will be accepting.”

The United Counties of SDG has not yet settled its budget, but expect to do so at the next budget meeting scheduled for later this month. The Counties levy and education levy are also factored into property taxes.

Byvelds said this year’s South Dundas budget has been the most challenging he has seen.

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