Editorial: Unsung community heroes

Now that we are looking ahead at 2020 in South Dundas, getting a sense of all the positive things going on in the community, it becomes increasingly important to also recognize the unsung community heroes who make South Dundas what it is.

Many of these unsung heroes are unpaid volunteers, who turn out to freely help the community. Among them are our local service clubs and organizations. We turn to them to raise much money in this community, and we count on them to continue those much-needed efforts this coming year.

These often unheralded heroes raise tens of thousands of dollars each year. That money is reinvested by groups like the Lions clubs, Legions, Lodges, and other organizations, which improve our parks, waterfronts, and recreation areas. Most of these organizations significantly donate to youth sports and recreation programs to help keep costs to parents and caregivers as low as possible. Because of their efforts many kids in South Dundas get a chance to ‘play.’

Residents of South Dundas should know that all the local sports programming is run by volunteers; from baseball and soccer, to hockey and beyond. If not for the dedication of these volunteers coaching teams, lining fields, even airing out uniforms, these programs would cease to exist.

There are many more volunteers who go unnoticed by most. Think of the drivers delivering Meals on Wheels, driving people to cancer treatments outside of the community, lending a hand after a disaster.

Think of the artists and musicians in the community who share their talents with the young and old. The board of directors of the Upper Canada Playhouse are all volunteers. So is the board of the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage. The Galop Canal Bluegrass Festival? The work of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers bring orchestras, concert groups, and performers to South Dundas.

Life in our community would not as rich and full and diverse as it currently is were it not for the extraordinary efforts of a great many pretty extraordinary people.

We really do see you, and we really do thank you.

It is our hope for 2020 that many more citizens in South Dundas will join these unsung community heroes and volunteer in our community.

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