IROQUOIS – The South Dundas Chamber of Commerce held its fall trade show at the Iroquois Royal Canadian Legion Sunday, November 3, 2019.
The new venue drew a good crowd during the day, as many people came out to visit and talk with area vendors.
“We had 20 local, area exhibitors at this show,” Geraldine Fitzsimmons, manager the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce said. “There was something for everyone from charities to real estate and insurance, from the Playhouse to tupper ware, baked treats, Valumart, stationary and hand made clothing and crafts. We are really happy with the turn out today. This is a lovely venue, and the Legion Auxiliary provided a great soup and sandwich lunch for visitors.”
One of the newest members of the South Dundas Chamber of Commerce, Primerica, was represented at Iroquois by Andrew Pitt, and by company regional vice president, Nathan Lee, who took part in the official ribbon cutting.
“We are setting up service in this area,” Pitt said. “This was also our first time in Iroquois. It was a good experience. I’ve met a lot of friendly people.”
On hand for the ribbon cutting at 12:30 p.m. were South Dundas councillors Archie Mellan and Donnie Lewis. “It was great to be part of another successful trade show,” said councillor Mellan. “It is very important to support our local businesses.”
Cindy Ault-Peters, director of the South Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the importance of holding community trade shows.
“These shows are a real chance to show case our community to visitors.”
The Chamber hopes to continue to increase membership in the SD Chamber of Commerce, inviting businesses to take part in local trade shows, and helping them to further business relations with the people who live in this community.