SLPC receives $4.8M in infrastructure funding

OTTAWA – The St. Lawrence Parks Commission will receive a share in a province-wide $26 million fund for culture and tourism capital projects.

The announcement, made by Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sports Lisa MacLeod on August 26th in Ottawa, listed the SLPC as one of 12 organizations to receive money under the program.

She said that the funding would enable attractions to begin work on much-needed capital projects such as roofs, windows, parking lots, and septic systems.

“Our culture and tourism attractions showcase that Ontario offers the world in one province,” said MacLeod. “These icons contribute significantly to our economy and this investment will give them the support they need to shine and deliver the excellent visitor experiences they are known for.”

Funding for the program is part of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport’s Capital Repair and Rehabilitation Program. Other organizations receiving money under this program include the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, The Shaw Centre in Ottawa, and Science North in Sudbury.

The SLPC is receiving money for the replacement of high-priority washrooms at their parks, and for the restoration of the Fort Henry National Historic Site in Kingston.

A lack of money for outstanding maintenance and repair at SLPC attractions was cited by commission chair Bob Runciman as one of the reasons the SLPC was disposing of its historic train display at Crysler Park.

Denelle Balfour with MacLeod’s office told The Leader that the money is earmarked for replacing a washroom building at the McLaren Campground, as well as repair and maintenance work at other washroom locations across the SLPC sites.

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