Province nominates Morrisburg street-scape project

Pictured above, SDSG MPP Jim McDonell and SDG Warden Jamie MacDonald during the funding announcement. – Handout photo

SDG – The provincial government has nominated the Morrisburg street-scape project, which includes a roundabout at the County Road 2 and 31 intersection, to the federal government for infrastructure funding. The nomination is part of the approval process for matching provincial and federal funding under current infrastructure programs by the upper level governments.

Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry MPP Jim McDonell made the announcement today in North Glengarry, that also included nominating the City of Corwnall’s Lemay Street extension project.

The provincial nomination was made via the Rural and Northern stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

“This project will help Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry and Cornwall,” McDonell said in a release. “We need to build and maintain great road, bridge, air and marine infrastructure to help get people to work and home safely, so they can spend more time with the people they love.”

As of July 19, new projects have been nominated to the federal government under the Rural and Northern stream. This is in addition to 49 projects across the province already nominated for matching federal funds.

The federal government will review these projects and make final funding decisions.

“We’re continuing to work with municipalities, families and businesses, to make smart investments in our infrastructure, and keep it reliable,” said Laurie Scott, minister of infrastructure. “Our investments are creating jobs and growing the economy, shaping the future for hard-working families in Ontario.”

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program is a 10-year program that will provide up to $30 billion in federal, provincial, and local infrastructure in communities in Ontario. The fund is split into four streams: Rural and Northern; Public Transit; Green; and Community, Culture and Recreation.


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