BROCKVILLE – Seaway District High School will receive its third principal in three years. The Upper Canada District School Board announced changes to the school leadership June 24th.
Anne-Marie Bulbeck, who arrived at Seaway in the fall of 2018, will move to Eamers Corners Public School in Cornwall this fall. Former Tagwi Secondary School principal Geoff Trasuk, will assume leadership of Seaway in the fall. Trasuk has been Principal of Student Success and Special Education for the past two years in the board office.
Also leaving Seaway at the end of the school year is vice-principal Eric Barker. He will move to Glengarry District High School in the fall. Replacing Barker is Beth Armstrong, who currently is vice-principal at Tagwi.
There were no changes announced to administration at Morrisburg Public School or Iroquois Public School.
Normally board administration announces changes to school leadership in mid-May for the upcoming school year. This year the announcement was delayed due to the later-than-normal budget process. In that process, eight schools with low enrolment were twinned, sharing a principal. None of the schools affected are within the former SD&G school board region.