Golden Gears hosts seventh annual car show at Iroquois Locks August 26th

“Because it’s a ‘40” – One of the largest crowds this season took part in the weekly Docksyde Cruise-In August 20th in Morrisburg with 47 vehicles on display. “It is the biggest one we’ve had since Victoria Day,” said Brian Erratt, event organizer. Of the more rare vehicles on display was Winchester Springs resident Mark Redmond’s 1940 Ford Pickup (above). Redmond has owned the truck for only a few months, having bought it in Belleville this spring. The previous owner owned the vehicle for 47 years. “The body is all original,” Redmond told The Leader. Under the hood is a different story. The truck has a small-block Chevy 350ci V-8 powering it. Other than a fix to the cooling system and some normal maintenance, he plans on enjoying driving the truck. “After working on a show car for a number of years, I just want to have fun with this.” When asked why he chose this truck, Redmond said he loved the front, which was the same design as Ford’s sedan in the same year, and “Because it’s a ‘40”. This was the last design offered by Ford before the United States entered World War Two. Redmond’s truck will be on display this weekend during the annual Golden Gears Car Show at the Iroquois Locks August 26th. (The Leader/Blancher photo)

IROQUOIS – A sure sign that the summer season is nearing a close is the annual Golden Gears Car Club show at the Iroquois Locks. This year the show will take place this Sunday, August 26th.

This is the signature show for the classic and vintage vehicle club.

Last year, the show attracted over 350 vehicles ranging from 1910 to present, coming from as far away as western Ontario, and upstate New York. Everything from classics like Mustangs and MG’s to oddballs like Reliant K-Cars and Vanduras. Organizers this year are hoping for at least 400 vehicles on display.

From noon until 2:30 p.m., Eddy and the Stingrays will perform at the show, playing rock and roll classics for the young and young at heart.

The show has been an annual event for the car club since it was re-vitalized in 2012.

Golden Gears hosts this annual show, along with a number of cruise-ins, show and shine events and charitable events in the community. Earlier this month, the group raised over 600 pounds of food and $300 in donations for Community Food Share with their popular “Fill the Rat Rod” event.

The club has over 90 members who share a love of classic and vintage vehicles, and are also community minded. Golden Gears has supported local groups like CFS, Winchester District Memorial Hospital, local Lions Clubs, a bursary at Seaway District High School and the South Dundas Christmas Exchange.

Running from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., there is no charge for spectators at the car show, however members of the club are accepting donations from vehicles when they enter the park. Show cars will be charged a $10 registration fee. In addition, there will be a 50-50 draw at the show which will be given to local charities.

Bring your own lawn chair, and take a ride down classic car memory lane.

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