South Dundas gets another councillor candidate, Lloyd Wells

MORRISBURG – Today (July 5th) Lloyd Wells filed his nomination papers, announcing his intention to seek election in South Dundas as a councillor.

“I think we need a little change,” he told The Leader. “It will be a learning experience, but I think I can help with things like building issues,” said Wells who owns his own construction company.

“We all whine about the council, myself included. I’m the type of person who would like to try to do something to see if I can help improve the situation.”

Wells is the third person to file nomination papers to seek election as councillor. Incumbent councillor Archie Mellan was the first and first time candidate Joyce Latulippe was the second. Former councillor Del Jones has also announced that he will seek election as councillor, but has not yet filed his papers to make it official.

So far, South Dundas mayor Evonne Delegarde and South Dundas councillor Marc St. Pierre are the only two candidates for mayor. South Dundas councillor Bill Ewing and first time candidate Kirsten Gardner are the only two candidates for deputy mayor.

Nominations close on nomination day which is July 27th. Election day is October 22nd.

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