MORRISBURG – Jim Jordan has long been accumulating the facts and details of Morrisburg’s history and he now has the culmination of those efforts available in a self-published book.
“I’ve always had an interest in the old town that was foremost between Brockville and Cornwall,” Jim Jordan told The Leader.
Publishing a book of Morrisburg’s history has always been the ultimate goal for Jordan’s work and this month he achieved that goal.
Morrisburg A History – c. 1784-1958 by James Jordan is a soft cover book about 200 pages in length complete with details and illustrations.
Jordan said that because there had never been a history of the town published before, he has long been driven to do just that.
Since his retirement in 2002, Jordan has been very seriously accumulating the details of different facets of the Village of Morrisburg’s history and putting them together in self-bound booklets.
He took those accounts and used excerpts from them to produce this history of Morrisburg.
“It provides an overall picture of the town,” said Jordan. “All aspects of it have come together as part of the fabric of the village.”
He is proud of the final product.
Jordan now has about 250 copies available for sale.
Copies can be purchased directly from Jordan for $25 by calling 613-543-2025.