UCDSB board chair and vice-chairs acclaimed

BROCKVILLE — Trustees expressed continued confidence in the leadership of Chair Jeff McMillan, acclaiming him to the role at the recent organizational meeting of the Board of Trustees.

McMillan, who has served as chair since December 2014, said he was pleased by the acclamation and the trust Board members had expressed in his leadership.

“I would like to thank each and every one of you,” McMillan said, after resuming the role at the December 7 Board meeting. “I want you to know that over the last two years I have worked very hard to represent you. I continue to do so with dignity and integrity.”

The Board also acclaimed 1st Vice-Chair Caroll Carkner and 2nd Vice-Chair David McDonald to their respective positions.

McMillan and Carkner have been in their current roles since December 2014. McDonald has served in his current role as 2nd vice-chair since December 2010, and previously served in the position from December 2006 to December 2008. The short organizational meeting was held before the regular board meeting.

The Board of Trustees governs the UCDSB and is the link between the community and the school board. Trustees’ responsibilities include: Setting UCDSB policy; Governing the curriculum and overseeing budget management; Communication of policy with key UCDSB stakeholders, including parents and community members; and advocating for stakeholders.

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