Summer’s End at Iroquois Beach and Canteen


It’s been a great summer at the beautifully revitalized Iroquois beach. Judging by the crowds who have taken advantage of the attractive waterfront park, this has been a popular family and community destination.

However, with back to school right around the corner, the first season of canteen operation at the Iroquois beach is coming to a successful end. 

To mark this, the canteen at the beach will be offering special reduced prices on all stock on Saturday, September 3 and Sunday, September 4, of the Labour Day Weekend.

As people enjoy the last swim of the summer, they can also enjoy a final (reduced) treat from the canteen.

Once the dock is out of the water, and canteen operations wind down, however, there will be new activities at the Iroquois waterfront.

The Iroquois-Matilda Lions Club are starting construction on two new picnic shelters, similar to the one which already exists on site. One shelter will be located at the newly created west end of the beach: the other will be on the grassy area near the volleyball sand pits and the swings.

Next year, visitors will have three attractive picnic shelters to use when they come to the revitalized Iroquois beach.

The Waterfront Advisory Committee is set to meet regularly over the fall and winter to prepare a budget for municipal council and to plan the next stages of improvements to the Iroquois waterfront park.

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