2015 Spring Home & Trade Show draws crowds


With all the exhibition spaces sold out in advance, and hundreds coming out to visit the annual show, the organizers of this year’s Home & Trade Show, held at the Morrisburg Arena April 17-18, count it a real success. 

There were 80 booths set up in the arena, the largest number of business and community entrants ever. The show was organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Tracey Veinotte chaired the 2015 Trade show committee made up of Chantal Burke, Canadian Tire, Grace McDonough, BIA  co-ordinator, Geraldine Fitzsimmons, general manager of the Chamber of Commerce and Clark Perry, Season Plus. Donnie Bowes of Upper Canada Playhouse, a member of the Chamber, chaired the Friday night opening ceremonies.

“There were a lot of new people at this year’s show,” said Geraldine Fitzsimmons. “I think the free admission, and the fact that exhibitors give out great gifts and prizes really have an effect on attendance. The feed back from the exhibitors was all positive. And I think that numbers of visitors were up from last year.”

“This is a great event,” said Tracey Veinotte, “and a new record of 80 booths set up: there was even a waiting list. Everyone involved worked very hard.”

Carl McIntryre, South Dundas Chamber of Commerce president, thanked the township, the council and all the exhibitors for their support of the Trade Show.  

Evonne Delegarde, mayor of South Dundas and all the members of the South Dundas Council joined the crowds in visiting the wide variety of services and businesses available in this area.

MPP Jim McDonell described the show as a “great job by the organizers,” while Eric Duncan, aide to MP Guy Lauzon said that “every year the Morrisburg Home & Trade Show just gets better and better.”

Singers from Timothy Christian School, led by principal Gary Postma, sang the national anthem to officially open the Trade Show. Visitors could also find a wide variety of food and beverages to sample throughout the event.

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