Charles Crober and Christopher Rowntree, representing Concerned Citizens of South Dundas, are the applicants appealing the issuance of a building permit that will allow for the construction of a new grain elevator/storage facility at the UTI property owned by Morrisburg Dock Expansion Inc., located at 11610 County Road 2, Morrisburg.
The permit issued January 30, 2015, is for the construction of a new grain elevator/storage facility on the M1 zoned land, with a construction value of $2.8 million.
According to Lesley Rowntree, Concerned Citizens of South Dundas, is supported by over 600 signatories on a 2013 petition.
“We communicate with about 40 people on a direct basis when something actually occurs in the way of new information and to ask for their ideas and opinions,” says Lesley, who with her husband Chris, “have served as a sort of ‘office’ for the group and been spokespersons for them.”
Because the grain terminal issue seems to be a divisive one, Lesley says, “We have tried to respect absolute privacy and confidentiality for those who support us with resources of time, effort and money.” She would not say exactly how ‘many’ people are financially supporting the effort.
Chris and Lesley live less than one kilometre from the proposed grain terminal site, and have been there about 3.5 years. They say many of the people they are representing through the concerned citizens group have lived in the area much longer and most are a much greater distance from UTI.
“We need to dispel the erroneous idea that this group of people all live close to the proposed grain terminal,” says Lesley.
As a core value of the group, Lesley says, “We are working to try to reaffirm in our community the democratically mandated voice of all citizens to express their own interests and concerns, based on honest and open information.”
“We are being driven to court as the only way to prove that the proposal does not fit the zoning. Once that is established, proper procedure can be initiated whereby proponents make an application which requires zone changes and thus enables the proper process mandated by the Ontario Planning Act to come into operation.”
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