Keith Russell

Keith Russell died peacefully  on February 11, 2014, at Winchester District Memorial Hospital following a brief illness.

Keith was born in Carp, Ontario, January 3, 1929, and the family later moved to Russell, Ontario, where Keith spent his early years. 

There he met and married Lois Smith, and together they raised two children, Doug and Donna.

After Lois’ passing, Keith moved to Morrisburg with Norma, where he enjoyed the benefits of abroad circle of friends and family.

While his professional career was spent with the Hudson Bay Company and Becker’s Stores, Keith’s passions were sports and music. As a young man he was a well known fast ball pitcher, a curler, and a sports coach. 

As a member of the Russ Hay Orchestra, and later the Don Morrell Orchestra, Keith loved playing piano and the company of his band mates.

Sports remained an interest for Keith his whole life, and he could often be found at the baseball diamond or the arena, cheering on the kids. He always enjoyed a good conversation about last night’s game whether it was hockey, football, baseball or curling.  

Keith will be sadly missed by his wife Norma;  children and stepchildren Doug, Donna (Wayne), Wayne (Vicki), Dale (Nancy), Faye (Garth), and grandchildren/great-grandchildren Brent, Lee Ann, Noah  and Jenner as well as Jennifer  (Mark) and Ben.

A celebration of Keith’s life is in the planning and will be announced at a later date.


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