Junior B Lions give up early 2-0 lead

They were first on the score board here Sunday night. In fact, thanks to a two-goal effort from Michael Paquette, the Morrisburg Junior B Lions carried a 2-0 advantage against the hosting Athens Aeros into the second period. But that was it.

The Aeros dominated the next two periods, pulling ahead 5-2 by the end of the second period and counting another pair in the third as they skated to a 7-2 victory.

Ty Hannaford and Drew Powell led the Aeros scoring with two goals apiece while singles were scored by Mark Craig, Anthony Meehan and JP Augustine.

Taylor Eamon and Neil Woolfrey assisted Paquette on the two Lions counters.

John Gilmer was in net for the Lions. Gilmer gave up on seven goals on 46 shots on net, while Josh Power got the win for the Aeros. He gave up the two goals on 33 Lions shots.

A total of seven minor penalties were assessed, the Lions accounting for three.

In other action on the weekend, the Prospects Games featuring the Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League’s top 16 and 17 year olds was played at the JR Brisson Complex in Casselman.

The local St. Lawrence Division Prospects defeated the Metro Division 5-4, while the Rideau Division came out the winners over the Valley Division 6-4.

Lions defencemen Keiran Devine and Andrew Jarvis, both 17, and forward Isaac Brownlee, 16, played for the St. Lawrence Division Prospects.

The Casselman Vikings have begun to pull away from the rest of the teams in the St. Lawrence Division with 46 points. The Winchester Hawks are in second place with 32, while the Char-Lan Rebels are right on their heels with 30.

The Akwesasne Wolves and the Alexandria Glens are battling for fourth spot, the two tied with 23 points.

The Morrisburg Lions have five points.

Coming up on Saturday, December 14, the Lions are on the road for an 8 p.m. game against the Char-Lan Rebels. Sunday, December 15, they host Akwesasne. Game time is 2:30 p.m.

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