Seaway Valley Singers welcome Christmas season with song

Christmas is fast approaching. One of the events in South Dundas which makes the season a little more special is the annual concert by the Seaway Valley Singers.

The 46-voice choir, under the direction of Choir Master Robert Jones, will perform Sing Gloria! on Sunday, December 8, at 3 p.m. at the Iroquois United Church in Iroquois. Pianist Margaret Whisselle accompanies the singers as they celebrate the Christmas spirit in song.

A highlight of the concert will be Handel’s beloved Hallelujah Chorus, which will also feature trumpeter Shawn Snider. Dan Edwards, violinist, is performing with the Singers in the traditional Hymn of Advent. The Winchester Handbell Ringers plan to bring their beautiful sound to the concert as well. 

By popular demand, Dr. Gerry Rosenquist is returning to act as Master of Ceremonies for the joyful event. 

The Singers have been in rehearsal since the fall: their twice yearly concerts are eagerly anticipated in South Dundas.Tickets are $10 in advance (available from choir members, the Seaway Pharmacy in Morrisburg or by calling 613-543-3863). Tickets will also be available at the door for $12.

Sing Gloria! with the Seaway Valley Singers on December 8, and welcome the Christmas season. 

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