IROQUOIS–Iroquois Golf Club members finished their club season with a final day of golf and an awards banquet on Saturday.
After a beautiful day on the course, and a great meal, awards earned throughout the season were presented by clubhouse manager Kathy Hardy, and Stan Brigham and Chris Brigham of Seaway Golf Ltd. which operates the Iroquois course/club.
The following were the achievements and members recognized for the 2013 season.
Holes-in-one: Grant McLaughlin on the par three 13th hole on June 21, and Doris Jones on the par three 18th hole on July 1.
Two Player Net Best Ball tournament on July 6: Nancy Barkley and Nelly Leightizer, Les Craig and Ed Orlicky.
Club Championships–Net champs: men-Les Gilmour A flight, Brooke Leightizer B flight, Jacques Asselin C flight and Bill Bennett D flight. Ladies A flight winner Pam Nesbitt, B flight Nelly Leightizer.
Ladies Club Champions & winners of the Fred Brouse Memorial-A flight Nancy Barkley 181 (36 holes), B flight Julie Bennett 184, C flight Mary Jean Craig 203.
Mens Club Champions & winners of the Dale Simms Memorial– A flight Randy Casselman 145 (36 holes), B flight Chris Barkley 163, C flight Don Poland 177 and D flight Les Craig 187.
Leslie Wright Memorial–senior 9-hole scramble played August 13–Liz Asselin, Arnie Fader, Don Poland and Bill Sloan.
Senior Club Championships: Ladies low net overall – Gail McCallum, Super Senior Net – Mary Jean Craig, Low gross winner-Nancy Barkley (89). Mens low net overall Kent McDermid, low net age 50-64 Maurice Kolff, low net 65 plus Ed Feldman: Low Net Super Senior 70 plus Les Craig; Low Gross overall Bob Mann 76.
Junior Club Champions: 1st Doug Blad 85, second John Testerink 98, Noah Pederson 104 and fourth Amber Bailey 114.
Couples net tournament: Les and Mary Jean Craig.
Mixed Tournament Net Winners: September 29–Deb and Steve Lidster.
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