When he heard the proposed title of this article, Kevin Eamon laughed. “Well, no question, I’m still gonna be me! Rock My House Music Centre is going to revolve around music, and music is still my deep passion.”
Eamon is the proud new owner of Rock My House Music Centre in Kemptville.
Eamon, a former Morrisburg resident, graduate of Morrisburg elementary school and Seaway District High School in Iroquois, has embarked on this challenging, and very exciting new business linked to his love of music.
Rock My House allows him to combine years of live performance with rock bands and strongly honed skills as a percussionist, with his deep love of all types of music and of musical instruments. He also holds an audio engineering diploma from Recording Arts Canada and possesses a firm understanding of the technical side of music.
Following its grand opening on September 7, the Centre can fully address the supply needs of both professional and amateur musicians. The business also offers the opportunity, to those of any age who want to experience the thrill of playing an instrument or of studying voice, to learn from outstanding teachers. There are both group and individual lessons available at Rock My House. The Centre is only a half hour away from the South Dundas area.
“I’ve been stressed and busy putting this music centre together,” Eamon laughed, “but it’s been a great kind of stress. I saw the potential in opening my own business, and I thought, ‘I’ve got ideas. Let’s give this a go.’”
In 2009, Kevin Eamon was the drummer with Rehab Dolls, a band founded by Rick Thomas in 2008. The group gathered some strong musical reviews and created a special song, This Means War, for a huge High Voltage Mixed Martial Arts Championship at the Robert Guertain Arena in Hull. He toured with this band, but also cut his musical and composition teeth with fleShpaiNt and Chopped Suicide. He is experienced in the challenges and the demands of the live music industry.
“I can share music with my students, and discuss the realities of the recording industry, of touring, of getting a start as a musician, and of getting real work. I can speak from honest experience,” Eamon explained.
He eventually left Toronto, moving back to Morrisburg, where he worked construction. However, he began to see that his training and experience might be an asset in a business.
“I applied for a S.E.B.P. program (Self Employment Business Program) offered out of South Grenville. I was one of those accepted into this government program from among many applicants and had as my mentor Cathy Gilmer of Iroquois.”
Eamon praises the program.
“I had ideas, but S.E.B.P. really helped me develop business skills. I took a business course at school, but I needed the hands on support offered by S.E.B.P. And they will continue to monitor me for the next year as I get my Music Centre off the ground.”
As he did his ground work, and studied the market for a business like his, Eamon learned that there appears to be a huge demand for musical training.
“Originally I had planned to limit my musical offerings to drums and percussion, but I learned very quickly that the demand for other instruments, and just for learning basic music was too great to ignore.”
The death of most organized music programs in elementary schools, and the cut backs to many arts programs, including music, at the secondary school level, has left a real void. Parents are actively seeking places where their children can experience the joys and the educational values of music.
Currently Kevin is approaching area schools hoping there will be interest in group workshops in music possibly to fill some of these musical gaps.
He is also deeply interested in the benefits of offering musical therapy both at his Music Centre and in local schools. “Music can be an avenue of expression for troubled or autistic children, for kids with disabilities or social needs. My hope is to start up a unique program as soon as possible.”
Rock My House in Kemptville offers supplies, instruments and sheet music as well as private lessons and studio space.
“Music is a language we all have in common,” said Kevin Eamon. “You have to love music, to want to do it. I definitely still do. My business, I think, is really a new way to express that love, and to share it.”
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