Lightning strike sparks house fire


Lightning is believed to have sparked a fire that caused extensive damage to a County Road 18 home.

September 11, around 7 p.m. South Dundas fire crews from the Williamsburg station were called to a house fire at 1158 County Road 18.

Upon arrival, heavy smoke was visible from the soffits and attic area of the home. 

Crews from the Iroquois station were called to assist.

“In order to extinguish the fire, the ceiling had to be taken down and a vent was removed from outside the house to gain access to the burning trusses,” said South Dundas fire chief Chris McDonough. 

“Once this was done, crews were able to extinguish the flames.”

The attic area was extensively damaged by fire. Approximately $80,000 is the damage estimate.

Thirty minutes into the call to the County Road 18 house fire, South Dundas fire crews were dispatched to a possible structure fire on Maud Street in Morrisburg.

That call also resulted from a lightening strike. 

Lightening had struck a tree during the height of an intense thunderstorm and travelled through the clothesline. 

Fortunately, damage from this strike was minimal, according to the fire chief.

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