During the February 21st South Dundas council meeting, Recreation Program Coordinator Ben Macpherson recommended that council accept the recently created Charter for Active Living as a living document.
Macpherson told council that the document, created by Macpherson and Stephanie Caissie of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, “would be an excellent opportunity to show a commitment to the health of the residents of South Dundas.”
“It would also,” he pointed out, “serve to show individuals, families, businesses and organizations looking to move into the community that the township of South Dundas is dedicated to providing their residents with every opportunity to be active and healthy.”
The charter, Macpherson said, “would clear a path to where we want to take recreation here in South Dundas.”
The charter’s stated goal: “The Township of South Dundas will improve the physical and mental well-being of its residents by encouraging families and individuals to integrate active living in their everyday life as they learn, work and play through continued education, promotion of healthy living and accessible programming.”
Deputy-Mayor Jim Locke said, “I certainly think it’s a good move.”
“It’s a good document,” said Councillor Archie Mellan, “it might inspire me to get up and get active.”
Mayor Steven Byvelds added, “I certainly concur with council. I think it links hand in hand with where we want to go as a society, which is health prevention.”
The South Dundas Charter for Active Living is printed in full in the spring/summer edition of the South Dundas Recreation Guide.
At the moment, Macpherson is looking for members of the community to form a working group for the official launch of the South Dundas Charter for Active Living, which is expected to take place sometime in late spring, possibly May.
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