Dog Looking for Forever Homes


South Dundas Animal Shelter Name: Roxy. Hi everyone! My name is Roxy and I am a beautiful Husky Shepherd mixed female. I am no more than two years old, if that, a puppy really. I am a very happy dog, very friendly and I do need some manners training. I am not a big sized girl and I probably won’t be cause I am kinda short and sweet and dainty.  I like to play and romp and cuddle, and I can hardly for a new best friend to come and claim me so we can play and romp and cuddle together. There are no adoption fees but all the guy and gal dogs here at the Shelter sure do appreciate a donation of food, based on my size and my length of stay. 

South Dundas Animal Shelter Name: Blackie. Hi guys. My name is Blackie. Blackie is a female Lab mix, not spayed, as she has some curly hair going on, plerhaps some Newfie mix. She is still a young gal, estimated at maybe a year to a year and a half. Suspected to be a smart little gal, but again will need manners training Blackie appears to be a very gently loving girl. It is suspected that Blackie has some abuse in her background probably at the hand of a male. She retreats when approached by a male, but once she determines no harm is coming her way she is immediately her warm and loving self. The fact that she has managed to hang onto her wonderful, loving personality inspite of what we suspect has happened to her, speaks for the type of dog is and wonderful pet she will make.  We are hoping the right family/best friend comes along soon to claim Blackie and return some of her love that she so freely gives.

South Dundas Animal Shelter Name: Cookie.  3-4 year old, Black Lab/Border Collie Mix. Not neutered. Hi, my name is Cookie and I am a beautiful, friendly young man, looking for a forever, loving home…..I have some mixed background going on which really shows in my colouring….nice white chest with some nice white boots,  fairly long hair…which I think flows beautifully. They are thinking a Border Collie mix perhaps with some Black Lab. I am estimated to be three to four years old and am now probably at my full size….so a fairly large, mid-sized new best friend for someone. Could possibly work out as an agility dog or herding type dog. Oh and if you do come to see me, don’t forget to bring along a collar and leash so we can leave the shelter stuff here, for the next dog that need them. I’m waiting….and I’m listening….please call.

South Dundas Animal Shelter Name: Bubba/Zeus. Three to four year old Great Pyrenees. Not neutered. Great Personality. Gentle giant. Hi folks. Although the shelter originally gave me the name Bubba, it has been suggested my birth name is Zeus. Thanks to the generosity of an area groomer, I have been  washed and blown dry from head to toe and am now ready to find myself a forever loving home. I like to cuddle and romp…just a bit. I am really an adorable big guy. If you are interested in meeting Bubba please call Kevin at the South Dundas Animal Shelter located east of Morrisburg, off the Church Road, at 613-913-1476. There are no adoption charges, however the Shelter gratefully accepts food donations based on the size of the dog and its length of stay.. This helps The Shelter to feed the next dogs to come along…a pay it forward type of set up.

We do also expect that new families use the money that it would have cost for your new best friend, to have him/her neutered or spayed.

Bubba/Zeus as you can see from the photos is patiently (LOL) waiting for a new loving home and a new loving family…where he can offer up some wonderful snuggle time….Zeus came to the shelter badly in need of some grooming…the volunteers were well on their way to getting him fixed up when no less than four area groomers volunteered to provide some assistance. Bubba/Zeus is a big guy and it was a big job. Thank you to everyone who offered to help.

If you are heading to the shelter to meet  and adopt Bubba/Zeus or any of our dogs, be sure to bring along a collar and leash to safely get him/her home….oh, and if it is Zeus make it a really big collar.

For information on the dogs, or to make an appointment to meet one of our beauties, call Kevin at the South Dundas Animal Shelter at 613-913-1476. There are no adoption charges but donations of food based on the dog's length of stay and size are gratefully accepted. We strongly suggest that adopting families take the money saved from the cost of regular adoptions and put it towards having your new pet spayed/neutered.

Other dogs patiently waiting at the Shelter for new best friends include: Coco-female Chocolate Lab; Angel mixed breed 8 month old puppy; Buddy 2.5 year old neutered Yellow Lab; Missy 2.5 year old  Border Collie Mixed female, spayed.

This is a public service column. The Leader accepts no responsibility for the dogs or the adoption process.


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