A Community Satisfaction Survey is scheduled to start in January in East Region to solicit public opinions about the services the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachments deliver to communities throughout the region.
The Community Satisfaction Survey is a telephone survey that randomly selects members of the public (16 years or older) who live in Ontario.
The survey takes about five to seven minutes to complete and is strictly voluntary.
Those contacted and willing to participate are asked about issues such as community security, perceptions of crime and youth issues in the community, OPP presence in the community, service delivery and even how the OPP investigates crime and enforces the law.
The information provided by those surveyed is being collected by a research consultant, R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. that has been retained by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
The information is treated confidentially and the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of those surveyed will not be included in the survey results provided to the OPP.
Once the survey is complete, the results will be used in the OPP Business Plan and Annual Report. The information will be useful in helping the OPP set out goals and objectives to improve on the services it delivers to communities throughout Ontario.
These surveys are done throughout the province on a rolling three year schedule.
The East Region detachment surveys will start in early or mid-January and are expected to be completed by March 15, 2013.
The Ontario Provincial Police would like to thank those who participate in the Community Satisfaction Survey and who take the time to help the OPP in its vision of Safe Communities…..A Secure Ontario.
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