Community support for Froats family

This just in…Michele Proulx at Canadian Tire in Morrisburg has asked us to let the community know that to help out the Brody Froats family, as they deal with Brody’s and mom Lisa’s illnesses, Canadian Tire has set up coin collection jars at each of its cash outlets. Through the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program, every penny collected in the Canadian Tire jars will be double matched up to $1,000. 

So, if we as a community drop up to $1,000 in donations in the Canadian Tire jars, that means the Froats family will benefit to the tune of $3,000. What a boost that will be, and what a wonderful, wonderful community spirited thing this is for Michele and Canadian Tire to do. 

The Every Penny Counts-Help the Froats Family fund raiser is now totally up and running and donations to assist the family can be made at any Scotiabank branch in the name of Froats Family Trust Fund, Account #706720303984.  In addition to the Canadian Tire Coin collection jars and donations made at any Scotiabank, coin jars are now located in a number of other local retail outlets.

In last week’s story on the Froats family, we incorrectly stated that mom Lisa is battling breast cancer, when in fact, she is receiving treatment for Indolent Follicular non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.

We have been in touch with Lisa who tells us she is feeling better after her recent treatment. She tells us that during her chemo weeks she is very ill. She spends as much time at the hospital with Brody as possible, as there is also brother Brett to care for at home. Dad Mark continues to be at Brody’s bedside and has not been home in five weeks.

“Everyone has been so supportive and genuinely concerned for Brody and myself,” says Lisa. “It really touches one’s heart in a way that cannot possibly be expressed in words. I can say we are so very blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community.”

In regards to Brody, Lisa tells us, “there has been no change. He is stable. The most recent echo cardiogram showed the same as others. It hasn’t gotten worse, but sadly isn’t repairing itself either. It’s a wait and see what happens. Prognosis is unknown. It is up to his body. I will say he is a miracle in all of the doctors’ eyes, as the second day he was there they told us there was no chance of survival…We didn’t accept that a month ago, and we continue to hold faith that somehow he will beat the odds.”

On a happier note, Lisa reports that the family will be helping Brody celebrate his 17th birthday on Sunday, December 2. 

“Brody is very excited and has invited everyone to come to the hospital to have cake with him. I am a little concerned about how many are going to come through the doors,” says Lisa. “To date, he has had well over 100 different wonderful people visit him. He has loved every minute. He is such a social butterfly.”


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