Curling Chatter


The stick bonspiel organized by Glen Cougler at the Morrisburg Curling Club last week went over well, with two teams from Morrisburg, two from Winchester and Russell, as well as ones from Maxville, Kemptville and Prescott taking part. 

In the first draw, one Winchester rink won out, while the second finished third. Our Morrisburg foursome, Pete Zeran, Andy Patenaude, Greta Mc Gann and Bob Bechard defeated one Winchester team in their first match, and last year’s champions from Kemptville in their second. They were both tight games, and our local heroes finished in second place.

In the second draw, Sid Morrell, Neil Williams, Don O’Brien and Alice Thompson finished in first place, defeating Lancaster in the morning and a strong Russell foursome in the afternoon to finish first overall on the day. Lunch was delicious and ample.

Last week, in Cornwall for their 24-team bonspiel, Jack Barkley, Raymond Benoit, Neil Williams and George Rutley finished first in the competition, defeating a Montreal foursome for their repeat win. Our second team, Pete Zeran, Karl Duncan, Earl Jeacle and Paul Gunther were neck-in-neck with the other winners, defeating Laval, but lost out on draws to the button. 

Two days later, three of our teams of senior men returned to Cornwall for a friendly bonspiel. Jack Barkley, Ron Beaupre, Earl Jeacle and Paul Gunther tied their match. Wally McDonald, Ray Benoit, Doug Jarvis and Fred Langlotz lost their game, while George Rutley, Dave King, Sam Locke and Keith Robinson won theirs. As always, it was a very pleasant social event.

Morrisburg hosted the Gamble, the annual four-club mixed bonspiel on Saturday. 

John Allison,  Carolyn Beckstead, and Jim and Wendy Casselman  were tied coming home in their first game against Russell but lost the exciting match on the last rock. They were defeated in their second game by a Winchester team, and failed to advance to the final. 

Our other curlers, John Toonders, Susan McIntosh, Sam Locke and Ruth Kelly lost their first match to a powerful Russell team, but won their afternoon game handily against John Allison’s Winchester opponents to advance to the ‘B’ final.

After a delicious dinner, catered by Bill Laurin, with pork as a main course, and a short business meeting, the two Russell teams did battle in the ‘A’ final, with Trottier winning out. Our Toonders foursome defeated Lapierre from Winchester in a thrilling match which went to an extra end, to claim the champions’ pins and get their names etched on the winners’ shield. 

Our thanks to the organizers, to our ice man, to the chef, and to the many volunteers without which these events could not function.

On Sunday, the first annual Two-Person Bonspiel was organized again by Susan McIntosh. Thanks to Dave McIntosh for the fine chilli luncheon, to Wally Baker for setting the ice up for us, and to the many volunteers who kept the ice prepared through the day, and handled the other aspects of the bonspiel. 

As always, there were champions declared in three divisions, and the profit for the day was dedicated to paying for a second new measuring stick.

In the ‘C’ Division, Sam Locke and Darryl McDonnell defeated Josh Laurin and Judy Morin. The ‘B’ division saw Paul St. Pierre and Ron Beaupre victorious over Claire and Paula Locke, and in the ‘A’ division, the top prize for the day went to Ian and Kathy Wilson, who won out over Peter Zeran and Bud Perry. 

It was another great day, with people from every league in the club participating. 

That’s it for this week,

Good curling to all!    


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