Seaway High News


It’s only six more weeks until the most joyous holiday of the year. Christmas! Are you excited yet? People have already been setting up trees and putting the decorations up. And Seaway is getting ready too. 

This past week we’ve had quite a few activities to keep the school days chugging right along. On the 7th of November we had “Take Your Kid To Work Day”. This day was only for students in grade 9. The students find a parent, teacher, or adult friend, and they get to go with them to their job.  Many students were inspired to see what they would like to do after they graduate from Seaway, and a great many of the kid also had a better appreciation for what their parents did every day.

Graduation photos for grade 12’s will be taken on November 14th and 15th, and Grade 8 graduation photos will be taken November 16th.  An appointment is required to get these photos taken and there is a sitting fee of $20 for the photographer. The intermediate teachers will remind the students of their appointment times as the date approaches. 

Also, an exciting artistic work in progress is being created in the art room. Larissa Ettlin, a grade 12 student at Seaway, is creating a mural on the topic of depression. Check out our Facebook site to see how she is progressing. Club opportunities are also happening! The school band is open to all students who are interested in playing an instrument. There are meetings at lunch for anyone in grade 7-12 who’s interested.

On November 9th, Seaway had their annual Remembrance Day ceremony in honour of the soldiers who fought and died for our country. Seaway band played the national anthem, and we had our moment of silence to remember all of those soldiers that we miss today. Student council member Jade Millward and Natalie Beatson spoke at the ceremony. While the band played a song in honour of Remembrance Day, there was a slide show showing us soldiers and nurses who have fought for the country we live in today in hopes we will never forget that. After the band finished their song, grade 9 student Mackenzie Whyte, with guitarist Connery Brown, sang a piece called “In to the West”. Congrats to you both, it was a special moment! Principal, Terry Gardiner, said after the Remembrance Day assembly, “I am always proud to be the principal of Seaway, but today I am particularly proud of the students who put on such a powerful Remembrance assembly and the students who were such a respectful audience.”

On December 1st, Seaway will be participating in the Morrisburg Christmas parade. We’re looking for students from grade 9-12 who are interested in being on the float and getting community service hours. Please see Mrs. Gilmour for more information. 

Also there’s a sign-up sheet for varsity girls and varsity boys hockey teams on the bulletin board outside the fitness room. Our girl’s basketball teams had a game in Char-Lan but unfortunately lost, and therefore ended their season. The midget boys volleyball team has tournaments on the 13th and on the 21st. The first tournament has five games which is a lot! And on the 21st, we have four games. We’re going to be tired and sore!

After this busy month we’ll all be tired. We have sports, clubs and graduation stuff that have to be done.  

Kids are getting excited for Christmas. Heck, even I’m excited for Christmas! I have a feeling that this Christmas is going to be a big one.  Although the weather does not seem very wintery (we have had record breaking temperatures for the last several days), and as students we anxiously await the best present of all – an ice rain day!!!

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