Morrisburg Welcomes Scots
It was a great day at the Morrisburg Curling Club last Tuesday with the Scots in town!
Between travelling across Canada, playing two games a day, and being feted each night by their Canadian cousins, it’s a wonder they’re still standing.
There were a large number of tied games that day, but maybe the Scots were just being kind to us. The Strathcona Cup is a huge operation, with 61 members in three sets of teams competing all across Canada from Jan. 9 to Feb. 1.
Our teams were unchanged from the line-up announced last week, but special mention for our two groups of local fellows is well-deserved. Sid Morrell’s foursome defeated the Cornwall ace, Bill Dickie, in a thrilling match, and ditto for Mahlon Locke, whose team bested their Scottish opponents in another tight one.
President Mahlon Locke welcomed our visitors on their arrival, and Jack Barkley, master of ceremonies, handled things after the matches with humour and grace, making presentations to our Winchester and Cornwall visitors, and to the Scots.
The head of the Scottish delegation responded in kind, and the mementoes the curlers received will be treasured for a very long time. It was a wonderful event, and our volunteers, especially the kitchen staff, helped make the day the success it was.
The presidents of the Morrisburg and Prescott clubs were given special presentations at the banquet in Prescott, climaxing with a number of lively Scottish songs. Can’t wait until the next tour!
Three of our daytime mixed teams were in Russell last week for their return “friendly” match. In a change from members announced last week, Gretta McGann filled in for Len Bellamy on Andy Patenaude’s team, and David McIntosh replaced Grahame Hardy on Sue McIntosh’s foursome. Andy’s team lost on the last rock, Sue’s foursome did as well, and Sam Locke’s won their match. It was another pleasurable event.
The inaugural Alzheimers bonspiel was held at the club on Saturday. The organizers provided door prizes from local businesses, and the Lions’ Club donated $300 to the cause. Our club waived the charity’s fee for this first bonspiel.
The curlers played two eight-end games, with the winning foursome, Andy Patenaude, Arnold Barkley, Rick McKenzie and Peter Byvelds defeating the Lions team in the morning, and Paul St. Pierre’s foursome in the afternoon. Keith Robinson was late in the morning, and he was replaced on the Lions team. He just wanted everyone to know that he joined another group in the afternoon and defeated Boomer’s Lions!
Susan McIntosh, Kathy Norg, Leanne McCooeye and Claire Locke defeated a Russell foursome in their first match in the Broder in Russell, but lost in a tie-breaker to Metcalfe in the “A” semi-final. Metcalfe went on to win the “A” title.
Greta McGann, Ruth Kelly, Kathy Hardy and Betty Locke lost to Russell in their morning game, but won their afternoon match in the “B” semi-final against Russell. They faced the other Russell foursome in the “B” final, but came out on the losing end. Well done anyway, ladies!
Finally, in the Dominion Senior Women’s Regionals in Napanee, Janet Lapierre, Janet Levere, Janet Thompson, and Morrisburg’s Wendy Casselman won the women’s “A” side, and are going to the Provincial finals in Ajax Feb. 20-24. Well done, folks!
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