MPP’s family forum, funding cut concerns central issue


 Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry MPP Jim McDonell hosted more than 50 local residents at a Family Forum meeting Tuesday evening focusing on Special Services at Home for children, teenagers and adults with intellectual disabilities.

The meeting, held at the North Stormont Place Community Centre in Avonmore comes on the heels of the passage of MPP Christine Elliott’s Member’s Resolution to strike a select committee to address a comprehensive developmental services strategy for Ontario.

The local residents’ main concerns centered on the funding formula and the waiting list to ensure continued assistance once the child turns eighteen.

MPP McDonell expressed his disgust with the wait list for group homes being as long as 30 years. “There are 8,000 children and teenagers in the SSAH system and 4,000 of them are on a wait list.”

“Proposed funding cuts will not allow youth with intellectual disabilities to grow up with their families enjoying a better quality of life,” continued McDonell. 

McDonell says many local residents are affected by the proposed cuts and that it is time for recommendations on a comprehensive developmental services strategy to ensure their needs and the needs of their families are met.

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