Customers’ generosity to make a child’s wish come true


The latest $1,000 change collection at the Mustard’s Variety Store in Iroquois has been donated and thanks to the generosity of the store’s customers a child will soon see his wish become reality.

Friday the latest coin collection totalling $1,000 was handed over to Terri Jones, who is in charge of Fund Development for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario.

In thanking Jim Mustard, owner of the popular variety store located in the Iroquois plaza, Jones said this $1,000 would be put towards the fulfillment of an 11 year old boy from the Mountain area whose “wish is to go to Disney world. He is crazy about planes and machines and Mickey Mouse, so this will be his first time in a plane and his first time to see Mickey Mouse.”

Mustard was delighted that the money was going to grant the wish of a local child.

He explained that “what we started doing a few years back was putting jars beside the cash register where people could drop in their change.”

Over the years, Jim has selected a number of different charities that could benefit from a $1,000 donation.

As each $1,000 donation is reached and handed open, a new collection project is launched. The jars are once again back in action and this collection will benefit Mental Health Awareness.

“We have some very, generous customers here,” said Mustard. “I have a lady who comes in once sometimes twice per ($1,000) cycle with her bag full of pennies, nickels and quarters. Some customers drop money in the jar every time they are in.”

Donations made to Make A Wish of Eastern Ontario remain in the area. “All of our money comes from donations,” said Jones explaining that wishes are granted to children facing terminal illness and to those who suffer from debilitating illnesses.

“A wish can cost from $6,000 to $10,000 because it is not just the child but a trip will include the entire family, sometimes a caregiver,” said Jones.

While travel is a popular wish sometimes wishes are to attend a hockey game, or to meet a singing star. “One little boy wished for a playground in his back yard, and we had a wish from a little girl (medical issue with her muscles) for a hot tub.”

“All donations are appreciated. There is nothing too small,” said Jones. 

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