Lightning strikes again, winning championship

 In their final clash of the season, White Lightning struck another win to claim the Dundas Men’s Roller Hockey League championship title.

Thursday, they capped off their stellar season with a 6-3 win over New Blue.

The first period ended with one goal a side, but by the end of the second, white held a 4-3 lead. They scored two unanswered goals in the third to capture the win and the league title.

Five different players contributed to the tally. Only Brandon Buma scored twice. The other goals were scored by Dave Summers, Steve Mattice, Tyler Brown and Tyler Gallinger. Billy Henderson had three assists on the night and Rob Thurler had two assists. Barret Brundige backstopped the win.

Scoring for New Blue were Connor Hodgson, with two goals and Jamie McIntosh with the single.

No consolation final was played. 

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