T-Ballers call is a day with pizza and cake


What do you get when you eat a slice or two of pizza and then throw in a slice or two of cake? Why you get a really, really good ending to the 2012 T-Ball season in Morrisburg. 

Last Monday night, July 30, the 30 youngsters who participated in this year’s T-Ball season organized by Paul Sheldrick got together at the Morrisburg Legion for their wrap-up party. 

After Sheldrick welcomed the players and their parents, Bob Paradis, who was one of the parent volunteer coaches, called for a round of applause for Paul. 

“I had a great time this year and I really hope this is the start of ball coming back to this community,” said Paradis. “It you guys want to come back, then I’m in it for good. I’ll stay with you right through.”

Paradis recalled how he and his brothers enjoyed playing ball when they were growing up in the community and stressed how he would like to see the game’s return.

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the community, the youngsters enjoyed a wonderful wrap up party which included the donation of the hall and the ice cream by Morrisburg Legion Branch 48, the cake donated by Blue’s Cafe and the pop donated by Valu-mart. 

The kids wrapped up their final night of action on the field a week earlier with a fun-filled Olympic event. 

“From the first day the kids played until the last, we saw big improvements,” said Sheldrick. “Their throwing improved, they learned how to scoop and throw and they showed us some incredible base running techniques. From start to finish we saw a definite improvement and I can’t thank the parents enough for stepping up and helping out. 

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